Are you ageist?

Help us take a stand against ageism by joining the free Age and Dementia Friendly Business Recognition Scheme. On 20th March we will be celebrating Age Without Limits Action Day, an opportunity for everyone to take action and change the way we think about ageing. As part of this new campaign we will be promoting businesses that have already signed up to the scheme and setting a challenge to double the current number of registered businesses.

Over 50 year olds make up a third of the workforce and older consumers are responsible for half of all household spending, yet businesses don’t always adequately serve this market in terms of recruitment, career development, products, services, or advertising. There are more than 39,100 people aged 65 years and over living and shopping in our city and this will continue to grow. We want Brighton & Hove to be a great place for everyone to grow older and keep doing the things they enjoy. Businesses can make a great difference for their customers and employees by making a commitment to become more Age and Dementia Friendly.

The Age and Dementia Friendly Business Recognition Scheme is a toolkit to support businesses to take simple steps to become more inclusive and accessible. Many of these steps are low or zero cost and will benefit your business, as well as improve the experience for all your customers and employees. For more information about the benefits of this scheme please visit the website.

It’s easy to become more Age and Dementia Friendly. From checking that lighting is clear and bright, to ensuring entrances are welcoming and accessible and amenities and products are clearly signposted. You don’t need to choose all the suggested actions; just the ones that are appropriate for you, and we will support you to achieve them.

It doesn’t take long to sign-up, and once you do you will receive a window sticker and have your involvement listed on the council’s website and promoted through social media.

If you would like to be actively involved in making Brighton & Hove more Age and Dementia Friendly, please sign up on the online form here or get in touch