Brighton & Hove Buses accredited as the first Age and Dementia Friendly business in Brighton & Hove

Brighton & Hove Buses accredited as the first Age and Dementia Friendly business in Brighton & Hove

Brighton & Hove is becoming an age and dementia friendly city. Brighton & Hove City Council are launching their ‘Age and Dementia Friendly’ toolkit and accreditation scheme to help local businesses become age and dementia friendly, helping to ensure the city is accessible for all. Brighton & Hove Buses has become the very first business in this scheme to be accredited as being an age and dementia friendly business within the city.

Brighton & Hove City Council strive to make sure that people of all ages are celebrated by ensuring that the needs of the aging population are considered in the design of physical environments and the planning of all new developments. With public transport and services being accessible for all, they are connecting people with their local communities so more people can live independently.

These measures, among others, can all help reduce loneliness, social isolation, and the risk of falls. currently estimate a loss of 44 million a month to transport companies that are not accessible to disabled people, while the Centre for Better Ageing have projected that by 2040 older customers will contribute 550 billion a year (that’s 63p of every pound) to our economy. This is 221 billion more than projected spend by younger households.

Ed Wills, Managing Director at Brighton & Hove Buses said: "With an ever-ageing population, being an age and dementia friendly business is vital to ensure easier access for everyone. But it is also crucial for the economy to ensure all people can access services. Common sense tells us that an age and dementia friendly city is only achievable if the local transport is accessible for all, which is why we have invested in ensuring our bus service is more dementia friendly.

“Our own journey began in 2015 when we took up the Alzheimer Society challenge to help make 1 million dementia friends. There are now 3 million and our company has contributed with 1500 of those being our very own colleagues, including myself.

“We are proud of the changes we have made, with the help and support of Alzheimer's Society, which is why we fully support Brighton & Hove city councils' vision to make the Brighton & Hove an age and dementia friendly city. I would recommend all local businesses use the toolkit so they too can be age and dementia friendly."

Councillor Ty Galvin, lead for Ageing Well at Brighton & Hove City Council said: "Imagine a city where someone living with dementia can easily and confidently access all local services and amenities wherever they go. Whether they are shopping for food or clothing, getting their hair done or visiting the local cinema or theatre. Public transport is a key component to ensure people can get easily get around the city, which is why accessible buses are so important.

“To realise this aim, along with partners across the city, we have developed the age and dementia friendly toolkit and accreditation scheme to help support local businesses become accessible for everyone.

“Brighton & Hove Buses is a great example of an age and dementia friendly business, which is why we have awarded them this accreditation. All of their colleagues are dementia friends and they've made environmental and physical changes to ensure their fleet has dementia friendly flooring.”

Find out why accessible buses are so vital in the city by watching the video 'Shirley's Journey' as she shares her own words on why accessible buses mean so much and help her to live well with dementia.

To learn more about becoming an age and dementia friendly business click here.

Brighton & Hove City Council recognition scheme and business dementia friendly toolkit can be found here.