The science behind a circular approach for business

The science behind a circular approach for business : What is a circular economy, and how can you start making circular actions in your own business?

A circular economy reduces material use; redesigning materials, products, and services to be less resource intensive, using waste as a resource for new materials and products. As well as helping to make businesses more sustainable, competitive and resilient, a circular approach reduces material costs, improves efficiency, and builds stronger customer relationships.

So how are businesses already doing this, and how do you get started?

Join Brighton Chamber on 20 April at Plus X Brighton, as we hear about Shova Thapa Karki’s (Senior Lecturer at Sussex Business School) recent research into how businesses are getting to grips with adopting a circular approach. As well as hearing about what support is available, you’ll also hear from three businesses who’ll share their experiences in the circular economy and lessons learned.

You might be interested in finding out how other businesses and organisations are embracing the circular economy, changing habits and business models – and how starting your own circular approach could mean a competitive advantage for your business.

Date: 20 April

Time: 5.30 – 7.15pm

Location: Plus X Brighton

Get your free ticket here.

With thanks to the University of Sussex, and to our event partner Plus X Brighton.

Brighton Chamber is a dynamic and welcoming membership organisation for businesses of all sizes. Find out more about Brighton Chamber here.

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