The New England House Tech Expo

New England House Expo

You’re invited to a business-to-business event like no other in Brighton and Hove. Between the Tech, Digital and Media member companies of Wired Sussex and the creative industries of the New England House tenants.

The event will be held at New England House itself. Some may call it the ugly duckling of Brighton, but it is a ‘flagship’ business centre on New England Street. A unique building made in the brutalist architecture style originally meant for light industry, it has since been converted into a hub of creativity and art.

At the event's start, there will be a chance for everyone to mingle and interact, with refreshments available. There will then be a simple introduction before we start to move throughout the building, visiting each floor, experiencing demos from New England House tenants, and showcasing the talented, creative work these tenants are involved in. All while everyone networks and a quirky mobile bar in the industrial lift follows us up and down to keep our cups full.

To book your free place, click here.