City Council Launches ‘Shaping the city’s future together’ events

City Council Launches ‘Shaping the city’s future together’ Events

Do you think you know how life in Brighton & Hove could be better? Do you want to be part of making our city a better place for everyone? Now is your chance to make your views heard.

‘Re-imagine Brighton & Hove’ is inviting everyone in the city to tell the council what they think.

Your ideas are important. BHCC want to hear from as many as people as possible how we can tackle the issues which affect us all, every day. And to take an active part in helping make the city the best place it can be.

So please let BHCC know what matters most to you, what affects you day-to-day as you live and work in the city, and how you think BHCC can turn their Council Plan for 2023 to 2027 into reality.

The first in a series of community meetings, on Tuesday 21 November, will talk about how we deal with graffiti tagging and instead encourage young people to help us make attractive street art.

The second meeting, on Monday 11 December, will discuss how the cost of living crisis is affecting us all and how we can work together to help each other.

The third, in January, will look at how we can make Brighton & Hove a safer city for women and girls.

The fourth, in February, will look at how we make Brighton & Hove healthier for all.

To find out about how you can get involved, or just to learn more, visit the BHCC Re-imagine Brighton & Hove webpage.